Horribly, my parents home was robbed, and Mum lost most of her jewellery. With every thunder cloud, there’s silver linings, and one of them was that I booked us both into a class to make resin jewellery, one rainy day.

Yes, I’m sad about plastic cups. You use those to divide up Part A and Part B, then you add colour to one part, then mix them together, mix til they heat up, and then pour in the moulds.

Sadly, the moulds by the time Mum and I got there were a bit big for my fingers. The bangles obstruct typing (ah, Mum’s a teacher, so she wears them more). So I took all my newly made stuff to a water polo team dinner and left three behind (had to leave early), so I hope others have rehomed them.
How awful to be robbed at home. It’s even more sad to lose something as sentimental as personal jewellery.
I hope your Mum loved the day and went home with some ‘bright and happy’ new things.
I would never have thought of doing a jewellery workshop like that but it looks really fun! A lovely thought for your Mum and I hope you both had a great time together.
Yeah I always like to try new things, so when this course was in the weekly ads, I figured I should go along with mum, in light of the bad robbery experience. She loved it and so did I – and we’re so outgoing we sat at opposite ends of the table, so met different people and all that!
Love all the colours. Would you continue to make them? Is the material expensive or cheap? And last of the twenty questions: where did you do the class?
The place is called ‘Workshop’. I just made them there, but it’s cheap enough that people were considering buying the materials and starting their own little ‘gift’ creation or similar.