So a while ago, I think I mentioned I was planning a spectacular 60th for my mother. I saw this inspiration picture on BetterAfter:

With that in mind, my mum and I worked on a spectacular celebration with her friends and children. And we went literal, unlike Lindsay who went with an interpretation:

So let me start with the hallway:

Now for THE table

Unlike the inspiration, we went for some flowers on the table:

How would people know where to sit? Solved that with a US purchase in Jan of a special little pen for writing on glass and porcelain:

Now all the rest of the shots I just wanna share for sharing’s sake:

Lastly, the cake (apologies for the fugitive-ly taken photo in the car, lest we have an accident and mum never see it!):

Overall, I LOVED planning for this – I hand sewed the white ribbon onto all the napkin rings, which was definitely the most intense part. But I love hand sewing. Everything was perfect, I’m told, and I was pretty happy with how things turned out. I realise the part of ‘entertaining’ I stress about is the food – everyone being happy and full and eating. If that’s outsourced, I love the rest of it (Which isn’t to say I don’t like baking, but it’s like baking or event coordination, not both).
So I’m available for hire 😉 You pay bills (I covered the flowers in the end, mainly cause I wanted free reign – there was another HUGE bouquet in the kitchen you didn’t get a photo of cause I forget which was Birthday Girl’s request on our market trip).
Party planner instead of engineer? Maybe… just maybe!
Wow, Sarah, you sure know how to do a party – everything is beautiful!
Thanks Dar! Pinterest to blame
Gorgeous. Love it. Might have to hire you for my 50th.
Oh… and make our online friendship real? That'd be exciting.
WOW! You did an amazing job! You were bang on the inspiration photo 😀 Also, I love your floral arrangements.
Thank you so much for you kind comments Cassie.
Wow!!! That is just stunning. And it looks so professional. What a beautiful memory to make for your Mum's 60th. You definitely know how to do a party! I can see things on Pinterest but no ability at all to turn them into reality!
Reality comes with LOTS of scouting shops, which I'm not sure is for everyone. But I don't mind it! I saw lots of great disposible napkins/serviettes, but had to get 'real' ones just to keep to my own sense of what was right.
Lovely! So much attention to detail 🙂 I've never been big on decorating for my own parties/gatherings or the ones I've hosted but it really does take everything to the next level – looks professional!
Thanks Amanda – it's something I've come to enjoy, and it's less fattening than all the other things I see on pinterest!