You can buy this?

Surely these products don’t sell…

Well at least they make the healthy stuff look appealing
Well at least they make the healthy stuff look appealing
I didn't have any the first visit... the second visit, I wasn't so strong
I didn’t have any the first visit… the second visit, I wasn’t so strong
Who knew there were this many flavours.
Who knew there were this many flavours.
You can't buy crabs in our deli
You can’t buy crabs in our deli
This is what I did for Val Day last year!
This is what I did for Val Day last year!
Oh my, any wonder I made it back alive
Oh my, any wonder I made it back alive
Yes, I'd like those too
Yes, I’d like those too
US 2015 579
Never seen an ice cream version of these


WHAT THE? But you know, I wanted to try them.
WHAT THE? But you know, I wanted to try them.
The choice!?!?
The choice!?!?
I want one - these are in grocery stores
I want one – these are in grocery stores
We seldom even find normal pretzels in Australia, but then all these choices!
We seldom even find normal pretzels in Australia, but then all these choices!
So little, so sweet
So little, so sweet
What the... it's a thing, I found out
What the… it’s a thing, I found out
I want these!
I want these!
Cute... though I believe out of season...
Cute… though I believe out of season…
Equal opportunities cake makers
Equal opportunities cake makers
This is obscene - and so not that practical as a catering item, as it was pitched
This is obscene – and so not that practical as a catering item, as it was pitched

US 2015 731

What is this...?
What is this…?
That is not for human consumption is it?
That is not for human consumption is it?
so much choice
so much choice
no no no
no no no


Sweet with savoury - this combo is too weird
Sweet with savoury – this combo is too weird
Wow... and so cheap
Wow… and so cheap
Wow, when powdered mash is just too hard
Wow, when powdered mash is just too hard

What’s the weirdest thing in this post for you, or the weirdest thing you’ve seen sold in a grocery store?

16 Replies to “You can buy this?”

  1. Oh my!!! The choice. There's some I'd love to try (and probably go for seconds and thirds) and some I could never bring myself to try. Squeezy cheese! Chocolate potato chips!

    1. The squeezey butter (I think?) sorta grossed me out, I have to say. Everything I photographed, save for the waffles in the case, I didn't eat. I've learnt that photos save me from acquiring!

  2. Is it bad that none of the foods are new or weird for me? haha

    I've never seen airplants sold in grocery stores though.

    And that Badger brand used to sell a balm that was great for dry, cracked skin. We went through quite a bit in winters.

    1. It's not bad~! I'm sure you'd find Aussie super market shelves quaint and old fashioned perhaps?

      I saw a lot of beard oil sold, and started to think it was a 'bespoke' product for boutiques and gift-y stores, but apparently not!

    1. Ha! So Canada doesn't escape all the US tatt! I'm generally not keen on margarine, much less in liquidish form ewwww I'd have liked to try all the desserts I saw, but there just wasn't room in my stomach!

  3. So many choices! I'll be honest I was a little overwhelmed by some of the prepackaged stuff.

    That being said, the whole pancake or waffle and sausage combo? Surprisingly delicious. Ditto for the chocolate covered potato chips, but I've only had them once.

    1. Hahaha at least you admit to the pancake sausage thing being delicious – but then again, most things sell for a reason, and it's largely taste! I'm sort of kicking myself I didn't try a packet of choc dipped potato chips, surely I could have found room?

  4. Yes, I was going to say that Parkay stuff should surely be called margarine and not dignified with the name butter! The choclate covered crisps might actually be nice. Tayto (best manufacturer of crisps in Ireland, with cheese and onion crisps often just called Tayto there) brought out a chocolate bar a couple of years ago – just for a limited time. I bought some as a joke present for someone but then was at home with no chocolate and serious cravings and ate one. It was lovely. It might have something to do with my getting older as well but I thought the saltiness went really well with the sweet.
    They sell soup here in packets like the mince above. I always think it look horrible.

    1. True – it's not butter… Gosh your another person making me wish I'd tried those chips! I do enjoy the sweet/salty tang of salted caramel, so these might have worked well. How does soup work in a tube like that!?

  5. Oh wow! Almost makes me sad we aren't getting to the US at the end of this year. We were both keen to just go to a supermarket over there. And Walmart!

    1. Welcome to my blog Jamie.

      Sadly Walmart's were too far from where we were staying to get to by bus etc, but I think i saw more than enough eye opening stuff!

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