Quite unexpectedly, I attended a concert in April. A fantastic young artist, Vera Blue, was sold out, but the night of her concert, I got an email for last minute tickets for $35! I did not hesitate and bought two tickets and invited a friend from work (who’d coincidently been at the last concert I went to – Urthboy).

I caught up with great friends for a MeatFest on GoodFriday for lunch, as well as an after work meal of dumplings – where we debated the quantity of dumplings we could consume in a sitting! I also had a few wine filled meals with some close friends who we’d spent the past three years out of contact. It’s great to be back in contact, and things just gel so easily. I also ate out in a new area and despite it being known for Italian, we had French.
I also took twin six year olds to the Lego Movie, but promptly had a nap between some great one liners… I also had an evening babysitting, where they wouldn’t go to sleep :s

The dating has continued! I could even say it’s been a good month – kept me very busy too! I had a first date on weekend night, at a bar that you’d walk by and miss in an alley in Darlinghurst. I actually recall going there many years ago – inside it’s all themes like an American Saloon, complete with snacks of peanuts to crack and eat – a great activity for first date nerves (which… I don’t really get, but he might have!). The other first date was a weeknight at a small bar I’d been to before (also) for a 40th celebration. They were comedically ill equipped for my cocktail order – having run out of key ingredients with the long weekend! Sometimes, wine’s just easier.
Not romantically, I met a good friend prior to Easter Sunday church. We usually catch up like this quite regularly – he drinks a coffee and stay lithe and I eat and drink, and in this case, the mean was equally ‘wow’ worthy.

The new management has been in for two weeks – though one week’s been between Easter and Anzac Day (the day Australian’s have off to remember fallen soldiers). It’s also school holidays – so it means so much is on hold awaiting people to return from leave. In the short 4 day week, my new boss was in my office one day, and half of that was spent on site meeting and inspecting the safety of teams, including mine. My former boss is still ‘on the books’ but has taken leave. What will become of him is still uncertain. My mentor is also still on the books. All a little… perplexing.

I continued to aim for two classes per week of Barre Tone, in addition to a one off yoga class at Humming Puppy. Other than that, I tend to walk to and from church Sunday, as well as for additional services and my monthly Parish Council meetings. I also walk to Barre Tone which is a comparable distance as to church. It’s better than nothing, but all month I’ve been considering if it’s enough in comparison to my rather lazy and somewhat unhealthy eating. One possible date and I have been chatting, and considering joining F45. They are INTENSE 45 minutes sessions, and they really tone people, but I am anxious about what week I want to write off as being in utter pain for the muscle pain!

I spent a small fortune on AirBnBs and hostel deposits, as well as a week of day trips in Iceland! As far as material possessions, I tried on four pairs of hiking pants. I really wanted to buy Patagonia gear, but they didn’t have the size/colours I wanted and I’m not a huge fan of mail order when i’m not sure on size. I went to another store that sells multiple brands and tried on two pairs, and settled for the comfier pair – elasticised back waist and inner light fleece lining! They were $200 (!!) so I paid the $10 to join the ‘club’ and get 10% off! At the same time, I got another ‘goo tube’ – I thought I needed one, but since getting home, I’m not entirely sure I do.
I have had three books on the go for a while, but none are capturing me. Those are
- Hot Milk – this was recommended on another blog, but it’s just not that interesting. I did finish it, but… not sure why
- Queen of the South – translated from Spanish, there’s still a LOT of Spanish and it makes it disjointed for me. I can see how it’s a TV show, but it’s not a story that is compelling me to keep reading. I returned it having read about 150 pages.
- Working with Difficult People
- Presence by Amy Cuddy – recommended by Save Spend Splurge
- Last night in Montreal by Emily St John Mandel
I really need some good easy readers I think… I’m really not enjoying or reading much at the moment.
So much going on! It sounds like you are enjoying lots – the best kind of busy! 🙂 I can’t wait to hear about your travels.
Have you read anything by Fiona Wood? I’ve read Wildlife and Six Impossible Things by her and would recommend both. They’re YA but still give lots to think about.
Thanks for the suggestions Amanda, I will look to see if they are at my local library and give them a try.
It is the best kind of busy, for sure! Hope you’re well with the (less and less) little one
You’re right. Your post didn’t come up in my blog reader. Glad I saw your comment on Dar’s post.
Wow. Beautiful flowers! You are talented. Can you say where your church is. Or text me if you don’t want it public.
What has become of my city? All this hipster cafes. With everyone buying breakfast I can often not find something open in the afternoon for something to eat. Bah humbug!
I loved the pretty salad! Was it sweet or tangy?
I have other friends who have lost my heir reading mojo at the moment. I did for a few months too. Maybe it is the stress of work or maybe nothing is coming to grab us.
I’d love to prompt my church – and I’m seldom alone, creepy internet stalkers!! Christ Church St Laurence, at Railway Square. It was largely designed by an architect Blackett, and it’s gorgeous (in my opinion!). And five SUnday services!
I’m glad I mentioned it to – I think I ‘back’ published it, incorrectly set it’s publishing date in the past.
The salad was really a bircher muesli, complete with a pour over sauce!
Gorgeous flowers! I hope things are on their way to becoming settled at work. Have you delayed your decision on F45 until after your trip?
F45 will be a post holiday adventure…
This didn’t come up in my feed-reader either! Glad I saw the note on Dar’s post.
I am endlessly intrigued by the ‘post-smart-phone’ world of dating! So, so different to back in my day. I hear intriguing tales from the 20-somethings at work. Just the concept of all those apps and the immediacy and ability to meet so many different people…I can’t decide if I would have loved it when I was younger or been absolutely terrified!
What a great month of socialising and events! The flowers are just stunning…you are very talented!
You are so very kind…
The dating in the smart phone age is good – I can recall the shame and embarrassment of a guy calling the house and having to explain to your parents (and I was young then!). But I also do have some resentment when I see it being used as a disposable and cheap way of using people… A colleague has recently split and started dating, and I’ve cautioned him from being too callous after he told me how many dates he’d had. He reassured me that he doesn’t get physical which seems a small token of respect. The same can’t be said for everyone…