Today’s going to be a bit scattered – which is a bit how I feel!
Firstly, we’ve been accepted to rent “home 2” listed as the evening showing in my recent post! This was the BF’s preferred place. When I initially sent the ad to him he said was too pricey, so I worked on not getting my hopes up. But it is spacious enough, that I can see us being happy there for a long time. And it’s a great area, in a small building close to shops. I’ll just need to enjoy the extra blocks to the train station – but seeing I won’t be catching the train to see the BF, it shouldn’t affect me much! 😀 We looked it again on Saturday, and arranged all our paperwork ready to ‘apply’ on Saturday after the showing. By about 10am on Monday we were told we’d been successful!!! (who wouldn’t want us, really?)

I am excited, but a little annoyed, as we can’t move in this Saturday. This Saturday is the day the BF is moving his minimal furniture out (a sofa, a bed and mattress, a desk and a coffee table) of his rental. I have measured up my place, and we’ll just store everything temporarily for a week, until we get the keys.
I’m also itching to pack up my house, but first I need to get it rented out! I have engaged an agent. Did you know, they ask you on the rental agreement to disclose if there’s been a violent crime on the premises in the last five years. I never saw that clause anywhere when I bought – so you renters, you get all the dirt! In order to make this work, I’m getting my place photographed tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Then the first showing should be this Saturday (hopefully early, so we won’t be waiting around to move the BF’s furniture in), and fingers crossed someone loves it! But I think it’s likely to be on the market/vacant for about three weeks.
I’ll be sure to share my own photos of the new place once we have moved in. I’m a little conscious of over-sharing on the internet, so I won’t link to the listing, just to stay safe. But you can have some of the sales photos:

Now to the scattery parts…
I found out a school friend had a heart attack and died. Such sad news at 28. She was married, and had twin sisters two years below her at school (which might seem like it might identify her, but my year in boarding school had MULTIPLE sisters in my year, with twins two years below – freaky huh?). She was married, and I feel so deeply for her husband, but so pleased she’d found someone to share her (much too short) life with. I spoke to a few girls from school last night, and then received a text from the boarding mistress (the Head of Boarding in modern terminology) this morning, so it’s nice to feel this community rally, even if it was 11 years ago since we all lived cheek and jowl. I’m yet to know what the arrangements are, and how they might fit with everything else at the moment.
And back to the house… I need to do a budget! Budgets aren’t something I don’t live by, instead I have a loose system that works, as I’ve explained here. I budget my savings, and my ‘weekly allowance’ and everything else is fluid – I can steal to get a greater weekly allowance, or I can bump up a savings account as it suits. But at the moment I’m having that moment of ‘ekk what have I done’ (not assisted by seeing the balance of my $26k by 22 Dec dip, as I track every week).
Lastly, I thought, me, the master list maker, would be immune to the stress of moving. Nope. I’m busy thinking ‘can’t I just pack up and move, and everything nicely sync up to one day’. Sadly, not to be! So I’m going to sit back and pack once my place is leased. At least until we get keys for the new house, and then boxed stuff can go straight there…
And at some stage, I’ve got to measure up for a fridge at the new place, as my existing one fits so snugly, I expect most renters will like my offer to leave it there.
Any tips to make this moving house business easier? Less stressful?