Last Friday I felt the niggles of a sore throat, so wisely spent Saturday sleeping. And a lot of Sunday. I worked Monday and Tuesday, whilst the man about the house took an unprecedented two days off in a row. Unlike me, he actually is awake, and upright on his sick days. My Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday this week have seen me mostly horizontal. I slept through Wednesday’s except for the two clean! Seriously, save for an hour or two, I went from my ‘night’ sleep til 5.30pm!? So you can imagine my frustration that on Friday, I’m STILL sick. Pesky colds I tell you!
One ‘sick’ evening, I spent the better part of the night pinning the lovely AirBnB’s in Paris. That was fun! They certainly know what small living is – how can they be such a culinary culture with such tiny kitchens though?
Ok, so I suppose I shouldn’t complain – it is COLD out. How cold you ask? There’s snow. In Australia. In places one wouldn’t really think it’d snow. See some photos from a friend, but the link is the BEST:
The bulk of the snow photos are in the Blue Mountains, where my uncle lives. My mum typically visits him on school holidays, but left it til ‘snow day’ to try, and of course our roads aren’t made for this, so they closed the highway. Mum stayed home instead 🙁
I’ve enjoyed some great TV lately, thanks to the BF being involved with a certain TV company’s streaming service. I’ve enjoyed UnREAL a behind the scenes of a (fake) dating show. Seriously warped, but enjoyable. The Fall with the chilling Gillian Anderson from The X Files as a cop in Northern Ireland.

I’ve also signed up to Facebook groups in a big way. I started about 6 months ago with the Facebook group associated with The Non Consumer Advocate. It is such a chatty and supportive group, I decided to find more groups just this past week, and signed up to an Australian group for the 5:2 fasting I’m attempting (though the shedding of KGs is slow). I’ve also joined Simple Savers, which I know some of my Aussie readers are already knowledgeable about.
Otherwise, life’s ticking along swimmingly. I bought my annual amount of shares, which the BF noted hasn’t increased with the six years I’ve been buying once annually. My salary on the other hand has. It’s ok, I’m not entirely comfortable with shares and buying/investing, so I like to keep the amount to a quantity I’d be happy to lose (which is in the ballpark of the amount I’d pay for a flight to my favourite international destinations). It helps me resolve the possibility of ‘losing it all’ though it’s unlikely.
What’s news with you?
Snow, yay! I hope you're feeling better soon and can go out and enjoy the snow (if you want – maybe you like to enjoy snow from a warm spot by a window?).
Buying shares of companies directly worries me too. I've seen that strategy go south for several people when that company went out of business so I only buy a few shares if I want to invest in a specific company. Most of my investing dollars go in mutual funds, which are a whole mix of things. I think your strategy of buying an amount you don't mind losing is a good one 🙂
Oh, no- winter lurgy. That sounds like a bad one and I hope you’re on the mend soon.
How cold is it?!
I was obsessed with X Files back in the day. Have to check out the new GA series.
Clever idea to buy an annual batch of shares and glad everything is going along well!
I'm better! So better'er that a full night's sleep was hard, due to all the morning napping. So that's a positive!
If you liked Gillian in X Files, which I never watched as it was 'too adult' you may love this. She's oh so stylish, but icy, but brilliant. I love her a lot now 😮
hanging out for your budget week round up. The more I read simple savers, the more I realise how seldom I spend money. I may do a week like you do, just to see. It would be FAR more useful, though, if I did one of all I eat *oh the shame*
Ugh, that sucks. I’m battling a sinus infection right now as well, so I feel your pain. I thought I could power through it, but I ended up taking part of my Thursday off to do nothing other than drink lemon ginger tea and curl up with a fuzzy blanket in bed.
Do you read Paris to Go at all? It’s a recent addition to my blog reader, and I’m quite enjoying her posts. I feel like you would like her stuff too.
Ah I feel for you – I'm pleased to have mostly got well now! I haven't read Paris to Go, so I should check it out!
Glad you are feeling better, Sarah! We all enjoyed the photo of the kangaroo in the snow which has been making the rounds here. I can imagine everything was shut down due to lack of snow clearing equipment. Rom is a major Gillian Anderson fan! I like your idea of having a capped amount for your annual shares.
Oh I didn't get to see a kangaroo photo with the snow, but I can imagine it's international attraction! I was talking to a colleague who went to his 'farm' – he's certainly thankful he paid for a 'snow' roof, as he saw many other sheds destroyed! I felt very wise to even ask about his roof 😉
I’m on SimpleSavings. The paid website not the FB. Are you one the paid site? If so drop by the forum and check out my threads – eg wear it out. When I’m too tired to blog, I write on the forum. Quicker, less editing needed.
Yeah I'm too tight to be on their paid website, but I am on their Facebook page, but it's secondary to the Non Consumer Advocate, for some reason I prefer that group. I do know what you mean, there's a bit of an expectation for photos on the blog, and all that!