There was bucket loads of culture this month, given I spent two weeks in four other countries! I won’t reiterate what’s in countless posts (you can click on the travel category on the right to get them all in one place, or select a country).
Films on the plane
- Passengers
- Fences
- Collateral Beauty
Wanted to watch
- Loving
- Manchester by the Sea
- I, Daniel Blake
- Jackie
- Lion
- Split
With the travel, the meeting of new people slowed *right* down, but that isn’t to say I didn’t keep in contact with a few new people and a few people from previous months.
My role was backfilled by someone of my choosing, and he did a GREAT job. We were in email contact from time to time, as I like a daily check and file of emails whilst travelling. I find that this keeps ‘on top of things’ rather than having a whole day back at work just sorting emails out.
I continue to ponder the future of my company, and my place within it. I feel like I’m no longer growing and learning, as much as I’m otherwise enjoying things. I’m not sure how or what would challenge me. Food for thought!
My fitness has dropped right off, with travelling. It might be nice to assume I did a lot of walking, but I think more days than not were largely sedentary. I did hike a glacier, and ride 7km in Heidelberg between the wedding and the reception. I had initiated contact prior to coming home from holidays with a F45 studio, and hoped to go my first weekend back, but have been knocked over with a cold.
- mints for Mum in a tin with Modrian’s famous block painting from the Netherlands
- a skein of Icelandic teal wool for a cousin
- my favourite children’s book as a gift for a pregnant friend
Clothing etc
- two black long sleeved tops from Lululemon for my trip (one is about to be eBayed as it served it’s purpose whilst away, and I know I won’t chose to wear it day to day)
- eight pairs of knickers for the imminent trip
- two second hand clutches – to store and corral items whilst travelling. One is blush pink pleather, the other is dark purple silk. Both served their purpose exceedingly well!
- a secondhand backpack for the travels
Other things
- a picnic blanket/bag secondhand
- two second hand novels for my trip – one was great, the other I intentionally left on a plane!
- deodorant – in a cardboard ‘push’ tube – yay for no plastic
- charging cable for my iPhone (it’s great, there’s LED lights to know when the item’s fully charged vs charging! No light means it’s not charging)
As I alluded to in the bought section, I had two books, one was great, and listed below, the other was a let down, and promptly forgotten!. I also picked up a great book at a book swap, and am pleased to find the author has a number of other titles, which I’ve promptly added to my library ‘to read’ list.
- Identical – Scott Turow – a great crime fiction, based loosely around an ancient Greek myth!
- A Treacherous Paradise – Henning Mankell – bought second hand as a ‘Nordic’ fiction. In the end, the female Swede spends most of her time in Mozambique, so a misdirect on the planned setting I’d hoped for, but still incredibly interesting commentary on race relations in the early 1900s
Do you work at a company? and someone filled in for you while on vacation? I was a little confused on that part, but am glad you could be hands-off with work while away.
I’m glad to read you purchase sparingly – just the things that count, like sharing your favorite childhood book with a friend. Love this.
I do work for a large company, and as I’m a manager of a team of five, and they manage 45, there’s always a succession plan for someone to do my role whilst I’m on a holiday. I wasn’t 100% hands off, but I could be, and that would be perfectly OK with my employer.
I try not to add more trash to the world…