November was quite a busy month with packing and moving house.
Does a pizza making class with some friends count? I say so!

I also saw a film, Geostorm. Despite out hopes, it was as sub standard as the last few ‘end of the world’ films.
I had one date – he suggested a great location – a cafe on the top floor of a gallery by the harbour, but alas it was closed. Given it was Melbourne Cup day (ie when people day drink!) it was tricky to find somewhere to grab a drink without a raucous crowd. We did manage to find a cute pub. We talked easily but there wasn’t a match and we’ve not been in contact since.
Lest this post, and recent posts seem like dating is all misses, I feel like in the past year there’s been two or three guys who really did have something special, and for a short time, things were hopeful and fun and nice. With those great experiences I remain open and hopeful to finding a long term match.
Drafting this a few days into December I realise ‘most’ of the work drama started unfolding on 1 December, and it’s not yet resolved. So I’ll update on that later.
What I can say is: I applied for the same job title/role in another group. I did a graduate program at my company and spent six months in the group I’ve applied to. I smashed out the application in one sitting and *then* rang the hiring manager. He cautioned me to ‘take my time’ on my application as the role will have strong competition. It was already too late – I’d hit submit! I was shortlisted to interview – five applicants of the 20 went to interview. That was the last Tuesday in November, and I found it easy and relaxed. Given the current occupant of the role will be leaving mid december, I will find out the outcome soon enough. Being an internal role, I know the other four short listed applicants and will be keen to see which direction they go – as we’re all unique!
Ugh, so this month, I moved house. I planned a Monday/Tuesday off work to move house. As ‘luck’ would have it, I started getting a light flu on the Wednesday afternoon prior. So a few days of bed rest, and then some time packing. It was wonderful to have a run of days off work, and chip away at packing rather than rushing through it.
I’d have been MAD to buy anything, only to MOVE it. I literally felt sick being in a shopping centre, and considering packing those items. Or thinking about where I might store it. Usually when I move, I do have a handful of tweaks to make, and buy a few useful things, such as towel rails or storage solutions. I haven’t yet done that here, mainly cause… this house does not lack for hidey holes, but they are largely FULL!
Ate out
Far too much? I came to love a cafe local to the ‘light house’, and with my days numbered in that area, I made a LOT of visits.

I stopped borrowing books with the move. Thankfully, my parent’s home doesn’t lack books. Mum suggests Stella Rimington, and I really enjoyed it.
So, I finished:
The Build Up by Phillip Gwynne
Present Danger by Stella Rimington which jumped from Northern Ireland and a little bit in the South of France and a budding romance. It’s her 5th book in the series about Liz Carlyle
Close Call by Stella Rimington felt like I was following on from Present Danger, but there’ s actually three books in between! This book (the 8th) shared some ‘baddies’ from Present Danger, but was a new story.
And I’m pages away from finishing Berlin by Pierre Frei and translated by Anthea Bell. It’s set a month after the end of the second world war, and is a whodunnit crime novel but only lightly. Each murdered woman gets a extensive chapter on their life during the war. I have to say, I lost track of the characters as there’s a lot of names that aren’t in my memory. And there’s some interesting intersections between the women who are killed. I know who committed the crimes, but was so desperate for sleep, haven’t quite finished. Who knows what the last few pages may reveal?
Love the food pics! The Halloween-themed spider is very cool!
If it is not too personal to ask…is it hard to move on after the dates? I think it would sort of preoccupy me to some level…obviously, if I really like them a lot and it wasn’t reciprocated, but also if I was trying to make it work but there were glitches. But I suppose all relationships, including long-term ones, have that propensity to occupy a lot of thought time! In any case, it must be often fun and exciting to meet new people and to have that sense of adventure going.
I hope you’re settling in well after the house move, though with Christmas, travel and work etc. you must barely have had time to breathe! It will help once we get past the worst of the hot weather. 🙂
I find that parallel dating – having more than one person I’m chatting to or preparing to meet, generally helps me become less attached so soon. It means I handle cancellations or silences better too. But there are certainly some people who really do weave a way into your heart and mind! It’s also a balance with my moods – when I’m lonely and bored, please, guy, chat away. When I’m swamped with work and barely got my head above water, guy, pull your head in with the incessant calls and chats! And neither of those truths are as easy to share with a new person than a long term partner!