One thing I’ve been meaning to try is stand up paddle boarding. After a few false starts due to bad weather, I finally dragged the BF to the latest ‘it’ activity! Even I’m surprised that this didn’t end up on my (recently updated) Summer Bucket List.
I have NOT been meaning to show myself in a swimsuit… But this is me 6-7kg lighter than at Christmas, so that’s something to celebrate. Alas I never got jet skiing/swimsuit photos to share with the world wide web. Also, I think it’s important to focus on healthy activities, rather than just eating out (which I used to do a lot of). We’ve also been indoor rock climbing this summer too!

Seeing I’m as white as driven snow, I opted for less sunscreen and more clothing… At least, until it got too hot, and I went for a swim.

I didn’t actually fall in – I was blown away that I took to it so easily. Naturally, the BF did fall in, so then he pulled my ankle cord that was floating in the water, and tugged it sufficiently hard to throw me off *hands on hips*

I was wondering if my stand up and kneeling balance was a fluke, so I tried something a little more complex 😉

And now I’m just getting silly!
It was $20 per person for an hour. The second hour was $10. It was cash only, and we didn’t have enough, so had to drive off and return. It’s not the easiest location to get too – a little bit of a bush or water side walk. There is two places you can stand up paddle board in Rose Bay (eastern suburbs of Sydney), and we went to the place I knew from kayaking there in the past (you know… back when stand up paddle boarding wasn’t a ‘thing’). The other location is closer to Rose Bay shops, and very accessible, but I have no idea of their prices.
Would you try stand up paddle boarding? It’s pretty relaxing on the spectrum of activities, and affordable too!
Great post and photos! You must have superb balance. We've tried paddle boarding too. I did OK but I did fall off. My hubby happened to go out when it got windy which then blew him back to shore and over some rocks! He had almost no control over the board when faced with the wind.
Thanks for updating us on your adventures – these posts are really fun to read.
OH I didn't think of the wind – which was thankfully absent on the day. I was a little scared going around the boats, but rocks would be even worse!
It's nice, once in a while, to be a natural at something… wonder what else I can test these balancing skills on?
Great photos, Sarah! Gosh, I'd be face-first trying and of those. You have great balance and flexibility!
I used to love going for early-morning walks at Coogee or Maroubra and seeing pairs of paddle-boarders way out at sea. Looked so serene and beautiful.
Is it hard to get your balance and stand up? I've never tried surfing but it all looks difficult!
It is quite majestic a 'sport' and I can imagine in a parallel universe I would live by the beach, and be one of those pairs you saw!
I found it super easy to balance and stand up! I started standing (from sandy shore) and continued that way. I also tried knelling, and getting between knelling and standing. I think the lines on the board help – they should the middle, and my scientific mind can work out the rest!
You did great Sarah – I'd fall straight off the board. I agree with Extra Organised – these posts are fun to read!
They are fun to keep track of the out of the ordinary activities too. It's like a journal, sure there's my weird waste weighing, but then there's gems like this!
You have beautiful legs. In fact, you look gorgeous! Great poise too. And, as one whitey to another, I totally get the need to cover up but you should revel in your youthful beauty.
I've never wanted to do stand up paddle boarding. My balance isn't good enough. But I do want to kayak in Sydney Harbour. Haven't talked Mr Sans into it yet. Did it in NZ for the first time in January, and loved it. May do it next summer.
OH you are too kind – I'll continue to blog with readers and comments like this!
Kayaking is equally as peaceful and beautiful. I actually sat on the board a little, and realised I prefer being closer to the water than standing up. Oh and I'm a lot less scared at slow speed water activities (compared to my terror jet skiing!)
That looks fun! Haven't heard of it! You are in really good shape, Sarah, very toned – you should show off more!
I can't imagine it's as big a 'thing' in such snowy cold places!
Thank you for your compliments – it's largely good genes, my mother is even more toned than I am (and she can tan!)
You look great! I have horrible balance so I'm sure I'd be falling all over the place. That's not a bad fee to try it out, though. I'd like to try more water-based activities this summer.
Thank you – all this is making my head swell! It's not that hard, I'm sure you could pick it up in an hour of renting a paddle board. Totally support water activities, I'm such a water baby!
I don't think you have anything to be embarrassed of – you look lovely! 🙂 I've never heard of paddle boarding and even the pictures didn't ring any bells, but it looks fun. My balance needs some work, so I'm impressed you were able to stay up!
Thanks Amanda – the running is certainly helping me trim down. I think it's perhaps a bit of an Australian craze at the moment? Basically it's surfing on still water? Weird hybrid, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Yes, but with the board staying still, it is harder to balance than surfing. Well, I think so anyway. Two summers ago I was watching a family do this in an estuary in far north NSW. All, except the two young daughters, fell a lot. The daughters balanced well from the get-go. And they looked very muscly, like you.
Mr Sans, who was a surfer, says he believes stand-up boarding is harder than surfing as it uses more muscles. I couldn't do either so am in no position to compare.
Wow! That’s great balance, indeed!
Keep up the good work with the weight loss- you are an inspiration!
It really pays dividends, it’s obvious! 🙂