I’ve recently been updating my bucket list and movign things into my complete bucket list post too, and realised, I’ve done some things I’ve wanted, and taken photos and never mentioned it on my blog – that’s like it never happening right?
One is Barre BOdy. A great friend got me a single pass in the new year, must have been early 2016. I went once and then got hooked, and off and on have been doing in ever since – I now have a subscription (which for me is COMMITMENT, I don’t even have a phone plan)

I love that my mind has to focuc entirely on the small but hard movements. It’s mindfulness without being bored stiff :p And it certainly helps that the studies are GORGEOUS!

I even have to pre book classes – talk about planning and commitment to exercising. I sometimes cancel, but mostly, I talk myself into going with a ‘you can walk out half way and you’ll be better off then doing nothing’ – and of course, I’ve never walked out either!
It truly is a pleasure – and I window shop work out gear worn by my class mates too – which sounds a whole heap creepier than it should!