So here’s a snapshot (sanitised) of my current lists (that I have in electronic form):
– To do: broken into categories: work; day off; awaiting; long term
– BF’s to do list: things he keeps talking about…
– Be more generous: tracking ways I’ve been generous – moving that to this blog currently, in my monthly tracking
– Songs at end 2012: lists the songs I like on the radio/want to download
– Graffiti’d assets: This is a running list of work assets I see when on ‘down’ time that need graffiti attended to. Bit of a weird habit!
– To google: For sites I can’t access with work’s blocks – weirdly this doesn’t get added to much at all, maybe I don’t need to ‘list’ it anymore
– Holidays (v1): Friends who live out of town that I should go and visit
– Holidays (v2): (predominantly) international destinations I’d like to visit (with time frames on what year and time of year)
– Events/Acitivites: date and other ideas to do with the BF (shush he doesn’t know I list this!)
– Big spending plans: born out of weeks where you could spend 10x you pay cheque and stress out, I just list all the money I plan/want/need to spend in the future – on things like income protection, insurance, funeral plans etc
– Dinner invites: Friends and family I really must invite around, who haven’t yet seen my ‘new’ (year old) place
– Grocery pricing: tracks costs of regularly bought items at various stores
– Future decluttering: Things I need to get rid of, or are thinking might be on their way out (I need to improve on GETTING THINGS GONE!)
– Decluttered 2012: I was vaguely seeing if I decluttered more than 365 things. Woeful. I didn’t. Keep in mind, I was equipping a house, so it’s not entirely bizarre to think I didn’t get rid of a lot! There’s 115 line items, but some have multiples, so I’d say there were about 165 things. But then I also include things that went in trash (which makes me feel uncomfortable), things I returned to stores etc.
– One day jobs: once a huge list that had everything I wanted to around my apartment. I’m incredibly pleased with my progress!
– Gift ideas: for the BF
– Dimensions: of spaces and things in my apartment, so I know if a wine rack or photo frame fits
– Foods I don’t prefer: wow this list is long… I mean most food I will eat, but I use the ‘dislikes’ to narrow down ordering food out and choosing recipes
– Foods I love to order: this reminds me of the fail safe loves of food (even if they are unhealthy!)
– Countries I’ve visited: a simple count of all the places I’ve been lucky enough to visit in my so far short life
– Clothing likes and dislikes: this list was born out of shopping frustration (and a hot summer in classes in France!), and is rather detailed!
– Adventures: those crazy ‘sports’ that I’d like to do (incl sky diving and the like)
– Things that make me happy: to pull me out of a funk or brighten a day, it’s nice to revisit this list. I started it in 2002 I think, on coloured bits of paper, and allowed myself positive and negatives on different sheets. Over time, I’ve chosen to keep the positive ones only.
There’s a few other lists, that really, I shouldn’t have or I should ‘hide’ better (than being on Gtasks which syncs to my phone), mainly relationship-y stuff… I also write paper lists at work, for ‘things to do tomorrow’ and the like. I also write paper lists for myself. Sometimes it feels better to cross things off… And get through the MAMMOTH pile of one sided printed paper my work generates.
I think I’m willing to elaborate on lists, should any spark your interest, let me know!