Back in 2017, I still used my blog as a place to ‘put’ thoughts. Not always to publish! And look what I found, a list of things for 2018. What’s great is that I have updated on a few!
Plan a weekend in Canberra for Floriade
A week or two ago, I picked a weekend and booked an Airbnb. That’s it, I’m now committed before other things crowd out my calendar. And I have a car, so that bits easier than in some years gone by. Coincidently, Floriade is the same name the Dutch use for their flower show, says my DUtch friend.
Try rowing, in summer
Not yet, but summer comes again in 2018…
Attempt a monthly ‘browse’ of a book store, cause it makes me happy!
I haven’t really done this. But what I did do, was ask for Christmas to have a membership to a bookstore. The upside is free entry to book launches and talks. I also get no postage in Australia and a discount, but given I seldom buy books, I’m not too fussed about those details. I have bought one book this year, and one book voucher. And I’ve ‘nicked’ a few books from free libraries.
Getting into ordering Who Gives A Crap toilet paper
The reason I didn’t do this sooner, was that they come in BIG boxes and now I have a big home this year, I’m a bit better at storing them. They were set up for auto resend, but when I got the reminder, I was a LONG way from running out of toilet paper, so I pushed in out more. I’m pleased I’ve gone ‘plastic free’ on one more item.
Set up composting at my parents/my house
YES! I ended up with a worm farm for my birthday. It lives in the garage. After the period of using Bokashi in the loft, I can tell you, the worm farm is way less smelly!
Grow a garden!
It took a while to get going, and only my parents return at Easter gave me the kick in the butt to get onto it. But I’m please to have five vegetables growing now.